Your Opinion

Your opinion really doesn’t matter. Well it does. But there are times when it just doesn’t matter. And, in my opinion, here are a few reasons why it won’t matter.

1. Your opinion won’t matter if you were asked for it in a meeting, you didn’t give it then, but gave it after the meeting. Useless. You are now expressing your opinion to the wrong people at the wrong time in the wrong place. It doesn’t matter at that point. It mattered in the meeting. It mattered when you would have had a chance to have some backbone and resolve and give it in to the collective group. Chances are, if you give your opinion outside the meeting, it will get back to the people in the meeting and they will perceive you as counter productive.

2. Your opinion won’t matter if you give it arrogantly. You may be right. You may be wrong. But if you give your opinion in an arrogant manner, people won’t hear your opinion, they will hear your haughtiness and reject you and your opinion.

3. Your opinion won’t matter if you don’t care about the collective good. Your opinion should be given to help move the collective good forward. Will your opinion help? Will it bring progress? Will it shed light? Will you be helping to lift the discussion?

4. Your opinion won’t matter if you never state it. So many keep things to themselves. They have brilliant ideas. And for whatever reason, the opinion is squashed. Opinions are good for airing out and dialog and confirming or denying their effectiveness. Share your opinion.

5. Your opinion won’t matter if you shoot down everyone else’s opinion. Be collaborative. Listen. Think. Hear. Your’s isn’t the only opinion. And another opinion might make yours a bit better. When you quash others opinions, you will reap what you sow.

6. Your opinion won’t matter if you never take action on it. If you believe in your opinion, then you also believe in its viability. So you should be willing to act on your opinion. What good is an opinion with no resulting action or change.

One Response to Your Opinion

  1. […] one is from Tony Chimento, a former client and now general all-around Web pal who I’ve never met in person. Tony is a […]

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